Frequently Asked Questions

Submission Structure

Yes, COLM will allow authors of accepted papers to add an extra page to the camera ready to add content following the reviewers and AC feedback.
We are sorry, but COLM does not allow double submissions. All papers under the ARR process, regardless of stage, are considered as under submission to ARR, and cannot be submitted to COLM.
COLM uses OpenReview for submissions. The submission link is open at
COLM will use the following policy, adapted from NeurIPS: 'Non-anonymous preprints (on arXiv, social media, websites, etc.) are permitted. We recommend you indicate “preprint”, rather than the “final” option int he template (the template currently doesn't support it, bu there's a gist to help you). Reviewers will be instructed not to actively look for such preprints, but encountering them will not constitute a conflict of interest. Authors may submit work to COLM that is already available as a preprint (e.g., on arXiv) without citing it; however, previously published papers by the authors on related topics must be cited (with adequate anonymization to preserve double-blind reviewing; see below).
COLM will not have a separate track for short papers for the 2024 call. We appreciate the value of short papers, but we are opting for simplicity for the first iteration.
COLM will does not have a separate track, reviewing, or call for position papers for the 2024 call. We are opting for simplicity for the first iteration, so will not solicit for position papers, because to be treated properly, they require a different reviewing process.
We don't have a special track for survey papers. If you wish, you can submit a survey paper and we will route it to the appropriate area chairs and reviewers and based on their judgment, you will get a decision.


We are actively looking for sponsors for the event. Please contact if you are interested.

Conference Structure

Yes, COLM is an archival venue. You may submit to non-archival venues in addition to COLM, but not to archival venues.
The conference will be single-track with invited speakers and oral presentations, mixed with poster sessions.


It is pronounced like 'Collum' based on the Irish name Colm ( It means dove 🕊️.
It's kind of cute... in an ugly way.