Author Guide
The COLM program committee is asking authors to submit paper abstracts by the abstract submission deadline, and full papers by the full paper submission deadlines. The exact dates are listed in the dates page. Abstracts and papers must be submitted using the conference submission system at: Please keep in mind that the deadlines are final, and we cannot make any accommodations for missing the abstract deadline or paper deadline. It is key that authors submit genuine and informative abstracts that reflect the content of the full submission, as abstracts will be used to assign an Area Chair and reviewers before the final paper submission deadline. Placeholder or duplicate abstracts will be removed. Substantial changes to the title and abstract after the abstract deadline will likely undermine the process of Area Chair and reviewers assignment, hurting the quality of reviewing the paper will receive. We will not be able to adjust assignments for papers because of such changes.
For detailed submission instructions, including paper length and style file, please refer to the call for papers on
Source code and data submission: Source code and data associated with a paper can be uploaded as part of the supplementary material. Code and data submission gives more information to reviewers, especially for replicability of the paper. We encourage all authors to submit code and data, if any, as part of their submission. Note that reviewers are encouraged, but not required to review supplementary material during the review process. All supplementary code and data must be self-contained and zipped into a single file (max limit: 50 MB) or can be downloaded via an anonymous URL. Note that supplementary material will be visible to reviewers throughout and after the review period, and ensure all material is anonymized.
Appendices and Supplementary (text) submission: We encourage authors to submit a single file (paper + appendices + supplementary text). Please mark the supplementary material clearly.
Note: All authors are required to have an OpenReview profile. Please make sure that all of the authors create an OpenReview profile.
Code of Ethics and Ethics statement
All COLM participants, including authors, are required to adhere to the COLM Code of Ethics ( All authors of submitted papers are required to read the Code of Ethics, adhere to it, and explicitly acknowledge this during the submission process. The Code of Ethics applies to all conference participation, including paper submission, reviewing, and paper discussion.
As part of the review process, reviewers will be encouraged to raise potential violations of the COLM Code of Ethics. If authors feel that their paper submission raises questions regarding the Code of Ethics, they are encouraged to discuss any potential issues as part of their submission. This discussion is not counted against the maximum page limit of the paper and should be included as a separate section.
Authors who encounter potential violations of the Code of Ethics, e.g., as part of the review or public discussion, should raise these issues in a private message to their paper’s Area Chair through the open review interface.
Authors are encouraged to include a paragraph of Ethics Statement (stub section is included in the COLM 2025 style file) to address potential ethics concerns where appropriate. The optional ethics statement will not count toward the page limit, but should not be more than 1 page.
It is important that the work published in COLM is reproducible. We encourage authors to include in the appendix and/or supplementary material any content that may help other researchers to reproduce the work. This includes, for example and as appropriate to the specific work, pointers to exact versions of software packages used, list of hyperparameters used, clear explanations of any assumptions and a complete proof of the claims, a complete description of data processing steps, etc.
Reviewing Process
COLM's timeline is detailed in the key dates page and the call for papers. The public cannot see or observe papers that are under review at COLM. Authors can post "official comments" about their paper once the discussion stage begins, and restrict visibility to reviewers, area chairs, or program chairs as appropriate.